NBC 8 Couple Event
Poor Scent, Warm Weather and unexciting hunting marked the entirety of the 8 couple hunting during this fall's Beagle Trials. The...
NBC 3 Couple Event
The three couple event at the National Beagle Club in Aldie was a nice walk through the enclosure with an exciting final two minutes. ...
Opening Meet
Opening meet went very well, with one great run and 3 shorter runs. 3 rabbits accounted for, all run to ground by our 10.5 couple of...
Opening Meet this Sunday
Expected temperature in mid 60s, no rain in forecast. We expect to open as scheduled and to draw the whole farm. The hounds have been...
Fixture Card is Coming
Sorry, we're running late on the mailing, but the first fixture card is coming. Our opening meeting meet will be November 6, at 2:00 PM...

Nothing cuter than a beagle pup!
Last week Bill took this quick video of the Z litter pups discovering shoe laces. Come meet the puppies before they grow out of their...

Who takes the great photos on this site?
NTB member Mr. Mark Houliston follows Russ and hounds closely to get the wonderful shots of hounds, rabbits and other wildlife along the...

Let's go beagling!
Russ is taking out small groups almost daily, and subscribers and new members are welcome. Join us for mimosas and muffins on Sundays,...
Great party!
Our annual summer party was a success (no surprise there; who doesn't like a good party). Several folks have asked about the hounds who...
Young Entry Cubbing
We have started hunting in the mornings to help the new entry join the pack and to tune up the entered hounds. Hunts typically run...